Pictures and Pixels - Photographic Art and Beyond
National Salon 2016

Lehel Fuchs



He started out as a painter, and moved towards film through video works. He has been making shorts and documentaries since 1988. Almanach, his cultural magazine on Duna TV (1997–2000) presented, among other things, the latest achievements of Hungarian and international contemporary photography. He is the founder and artistic director of Szellemkép, a journal and publishing house (1989), and of Szellemkép Szabadiskola – Camera Anima Free School (1994). He has made several books on photography. He has taught photography and film since 1989. In addition to individual and group exhibitions, in 2009 he released an album, Faluváros (Villagetown). He has been a member of the Association of Hungarian Journalists since 1996, and of the Hungarian Photographers’ Association since 2010.


75 × 50 cm
