Pictures and Pixels - Photographic Art and Beyond
National Salon 2016

Magdi Vékás



She was a member of the Studio of Young Photographers between 1977– 1982, and then joined the Hungarian Photographers’ Association. She has been a member of the Association of Hungarian Creative Artists since 1987. She started to take photos with special techniques in 1985. First she used handmade paper, and then went on to use diverse supports, like textile, stone and metal plates. She also makes albumen, salted paper, chromotype and facsimile prints. She teaches photography at the Alternative Secondary School of Economics, and artisanal photographic processes at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts. Selected exhibitions: Liget Gallery, 1985; Hungarian Academy in Rome, 1999; Esztergom, 2002; Mai Manó House, 2007. Albums: Merített papírra készített cianotípiák (Cyanotypes on handmade paper), Töredékek a városról (Fragments about the city). Awards: Divald Károly Memorial Medal (1998), Esztergom Biennale Main Prize (1998), Balogh Rudolf Prize (2000).

Aviation (excerpts from the series)

34 × 49 cm

Aviation (excerpts from the series)
Aviation (excerpts from the series)